
Studying in Teesside

The Jubilee Centre
We passionately believe that God’s heart is for students of all ages. Whether you’re a Fresher just moved to Teesside, or a mature student taking a part-time course at one of the local campuses, you are really welcome at Jubilee.

Throughout the years, Jubilee has been a home-church to many studying in Teesside. Some have chosen to stay, and even now are in leadership in Jubilee, others have stayed for a few years and then been sent out to join other churches, and some called us home until graduation, jobs or life called them elsewhere. Whatever the story, all are welcome, and the relationships and journey continue on for each of us.

Not just the leaders for tomorrow, we believe that students are and can be, the leaders of today. We encourage all to belong, take part and serve in the life of the church. Students enrich the family of Jubilee and help to spur us on in our love for Jesus, and our mission of sharing him in our Universities.

We encourage all students to invest in their local mission on campus through the work of Christian Unions, not as a replacement for church, but as a specific extension of the church to share Jesus. We’re always excited to have some of our past students as CU Presidents and Committee members. We continue to support and invest in the work of the Teesside University Christian Union (TUCU).

Just as students enrich the life of Jubilee Church Teesside, we believe that the church can enrich the life of every student. Whatever your stage of life; the love, support, friendship and family found within a local church, can be such a valuable component of your University experience and growing in maturity in faith.

And of course, don’t forget the free food...